
At work, what you do shapes who you are.

Ruth Chapters 3-4: God Works through Human Ingenuity (17 minutes)

The characters' ingenuity in the book of Ruth moves the story towards its happy conclusion. Boaz, Naomi, and Ruth each display ingenuity that honors God and furthers God’s purposes.

Proverbs Chapters 29-31: Reflecting God’s Character at Work

Proverbs 31 describes wisdom personified as the "valiant woman." The valiant woman functions as an affirmation of the dignity of every person’s work.

Daniel Chapters 2-3: Don’t Compromise Your Beliefs at Work (28 minutes)

After refusing to worship a statue of Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel's friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego expect to be punished, but they stay true to their beliefs anyway. To them being faithful to God was the right thing to do, whether or not it was path to success. In this they are indeed models for us.

Matthew Chapters 5-6: The Beatitudes at Work (26 minutes)

As we step into God’s kingdom in our places of work, we hope to become more like those named as blessed—more meek, more merciful, more hungry for righteousness, more apt to make peace, and so on!

2 Corinthians Chapters 1-5: Transparency at Work (25 minutes)

As Paul moves into the body of his second letter to the Corinthians, he addresses the complaint that he had not been open and honest with them. Although he promised to visit Corinth again, Paul had backed out twice. Was Paul being insincere or speaking out of both sides of his mouth?

Galatians Chapters 3-6: The Fruits of The Spirit at Work (24 minutes)

We often think of the fruit of the Spirit in the context of church life. But when we apply these qualities to our work, it can give us a fresh perspective to bring God’s presence into our places of work.

Philippians Chapters 1-4: Do Your Work in a Worthy Manner (26 minutes)

What makes your work worthy of a godly calling? Paul gives three criteria for worthiness: 1) harmony, 2) lack of selfish ambition, and 3) concern for others.

Revelation Chapters 19-22: Work That Lasts (24 minutes)

Babylon and her minions come to a terrifying end as a consequence of their idolatry and wickedness—including their economic practices, as we have seen in earlier sessions in this series. It might seem that any participation in the world economy—or even any local economy—must be so fraught with idolatry that the only solution is to withdraw completely and live alone in the wilderness. But Revelation offers an alternative vision of life together: the New Jerusalem.