Navigate difficult questions of right and wrong at work.
Genesis Chapters 31-33: Making Things Right After Ethical Failure (29 minutes)
Jacob models for us a truth at the core of our faith: our relationships with God and people are linked. Our reconciliation with God makes possible reconciliation with others. Likewise, in human reconciliation, we come to see and know God better.
Matthew Chapters 7-9: Jesus’ Moral Guidance (28 minutes)
At work, we make snap judgments because we lack the time or inclination to collect true information. Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount tells us that these judgments are not merely an inevitable byproduct of working with others, but an important moral issue.
Leviticus Chapters 5-7: Fixing Damage from Financial Abuse (28 minutes)
If we hurt others at work, we must make restitution. The guilt offering in Leviticus reminds us that God's forgiveness is not a replacement for setting things right. For those who have abused others financially, drawing near to God requires a sacrifice.
Matthew Chapters 19-20: Fair Labor Practices (20 minutes)
The parable of the laborers in the vineyard is unique to Matthew’s Gospel. The owner of a vineyard hires day laborers at various times throughout the day, but the owner pays everyone a full day’s wage. It is an example of God's generosity, and a promise that in God's kingdom, we will all find adequate work.
Genesis Chapters 21-23: Godly Negotiation (25 minutes)
Abraham demonstrates godly negotiation twice in Genesis chapters 21-23. In both cases all parties came away with a clear understanding of what belongs to whom, and with good working relationships that benefit everyone involved.